Swim & Dive
In 2024, we are THRILLED to introduce Nick Fiddler as our new head swim coach! We are also pleased to have Amy Alderfer return again in 2024 to coach our Dive Team!
Nick has not only been an assistant coach at Ply-Mar the last two summers, he began his Ply-Mar career at the age of 8 when he was a young swimmer. Those years at Ply-Mar led to a high school career at Plymouth-Whitemarsh, a club swimming career at Penn Charter Athletic Club, and a college swimming career at Bloomsburg University, where Nick was twice the team captain and multiple-time medalist at the PSAC Championships.
Swimming & Diving Teams (Updated 2024)
The swim and dive teams at Ply-Mar are open to all swimmers who are able to successfully swim a full lap of the pool in one of the four strokes. There are three levels: Developmental, Junior Varsity, and Varsity. All swimmers will be evaluated and put into the appropriate group.
Hi Ply-Mar!
I am very excited about this opportunity and can not wait to see what we can accomplish this summer!
Practice begins in the evenings Tuesday, May 28th, and moves to the mornings on Monday, June 16th!
Detailed schedules have been sent to all registered swimmers! If you did not receive them, email swimanddive@plymar.org and make sure you are registered via this link below. The schedules are also at the bottom of this page.
Suit styles and suit prices will be the same as last year! Suit try-ons will take place May 28-30th for those who would like to try it on (5:30-6:30). Swimmers MUST have an undergarment on to try on a suit.
All suit order placed by June 10th will be picked up by our Swim/Dive rep and distributed prior to the Relay Carnival. Orders placed after June 10th will need to be personally picked up at Toad Hollow or shipped to your home (select shipping option when ordering).
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to the email address above!
I am looking forward to a fantastic summer and GO PLY MAR!
We are looking forward to another great summer of diving at Ply-Mar!
Ply-Mar diving is focused on learning new skills, growing confidence in the sport of diving, competing to improve our personal best, and having fun! We are lucky to have all of our coaches returning for another summer.
Coach Cheryl, Coach Emily McMullen, Coach Jed and Coach Emily Reilly, will all be joining me again for this season of diving.
Click Here for All the Diving Details and Schedule:
See you on the boards! – Coach Amy
Afternoon Schedule (May 28 thru June 14)
All times listed are when swimmers are expected to be IN THE POOL READY TO SWIM:
4:00 pm – 5:15 pm: 12 and older
5:15 pm – 6:00 pm: 9-, 10- and 11-year-olds
5:45 pm – 6:30 pm: 8 and under (the first 15 minutes will be out of water)
Week 1
Monday, May 27: NO PRACTICE (Memorial Day)
Tuesday, May 28: Swim Meetings/ First Day of Practice
Wednesday, May 29: Regular schedule
Thursday, May 30: Regular schedule
Friday, May 31: NO PRACTICE
Week 2
Monday, June 3 through Friday, June 7: Regular Schedule
Week 3
Monday, June 10 through Thursday, June 13: Regular Schedule
Friday, June 14: No Practice
Saturday, June 15
SSL Relay Carnival at Ply Mar (participants will be contacted by Coach Nick)